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Profile: coloradojohn

Tagline: I Have Resumed Standard Orbit!
Location: Boulder. Again. Always. Because no place else on Earth is quite like it.
Member since: Jan 13, 2006
Occupation: Apt. Complex Manager, Adventurer, Chef, Writer
Bathroom preference: Men's
Birthday: Dec 24, 1961
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/john.quinn.3114
Song Ratings: ?
10 - AirAll I Need
10 - BeckPaper Tiger
10 - CamelRajaz
10 - CreamSwlabr
10 - Deep PurpleHush
10 - DovesDarker
10 - Elton JohnLevon
10 - GoldfrappJo
10 - HeartLove Alive
10 - Karen OMinistry
10 - Marvin GayeGot
10 - MorphineRadar
10 - MorphineBuena
10 - NirvanaIn Bloom
10 - Pink FloydMoney
10 - Pink FloydSheep
10 - Pink FloydTime
10 - RadioheadLucky
10 - R.E.M.Drive
10 - Roy OrbisonLeah
10 - SantanaEl Farol
10 - SantanaJingo
10 - SantanaHermes
10 - SantanaGuajira
10 - Steely DanAja
10 - Stevie WonderAs
10 - SyntaxBliss
10 - Talk TalkEden
10 - ThemGloria
10 - The WhoI'm Free
10 - The WhoI'm One
10 - The WhoBargain
10 - Tom WaitsAlice
10 - TrafficGlad
10 - U2Bad
10 - U2The Fly
10 - U2Bad (Live)
10 - U2I Will Follow
10 - U2One Tree Hill
10 - U2Beautiful Day
10 - U2One
10 - VASTTouched
10 - WarLow Rider
10 - YesRoundabout
10 - Zero 7Spinning
10 - Zero 7Home
10 - Zero 7Destiny
9 - AirTalisman
9 - BeckDear Life
9 - BeckMorning
9 - BeckBlue Moon
9 - BeckJack-Ass
9 - BeckScarecrow
9 - BeckTurn Away
9 - BeckDark Star
9 - BellyDusted
9 - BlissBreathe
9 - BlondieAtomic
9 - Bob MarleyWar
9 - BonoboCirrus
9 - ChicagoListen
9 - ChinawomanGo
9 - CrackerLow
9 - CrackerShine
9 - DeleriumMyth
9 - EivørRain
9 - ElbowCharge
9 - FacesFlying
9 - GoldfrappDrew
9 - GoldfrappA&E
9 - GoldfrappThea
9 - HemHollow
9 - IvyUndertow
9 - JamesLaid
9 - Kent400 Slag
9 - KoopGlömd
9 - MuktaBindi
9 - NirvanaDumb
9 - PinbackSender
9 - Pink FloydIf
9 - PoeHaunted
9 - PoeHey Pretty
9 - R.E.M.Belong
9 - RostamWood
9 - RushLimelight
9 - SloanTraces
9 - Slowdivealife
9 - SpoonHeld
9 - SpoonWhisper
9 - SpoonPink Up
9 - StarsChanges
9 - SupergrassFin
9 - The VerveBlue
9 - The XXLips
9 - ToolSober
9 - U2Seconds
9 - U2Surrender
9 - U2Magnificent
9 - U2Walk On
9 - U2So Cruel
9 - U2MLK
9 - U2Desire
9 - U2Vertigo
9 - XTCGrass
9 - YaimaGajumaru
9 - YaimaRise
9 - Zero 7Futures
9 - Zero 7Crosses
8 - AuroraMy Name
8 - AuroraRunaway
8 - AuroraDreams
8 - Azam AliAbode
8 - BabbleTribe
8 - BeckYouthless
8 - BeckLoser
8 - BellySlow Dog
8 - BlurBeetlebum
8 - CakeGuitar
8 - CakeLong Time
8 - CalexicoRoka
8 - ClinicHarmony
8 - GomezOptions
8 - GorillazStylo
8 - JainMakeba
8 - KentDom Andra
8 - LambHeaven
8 - LowCalifornia
8 - NitsDistance
8 - PeiaMori Shej
8 - RadarSirocco
8 - SpoonShotgun
8 - SpoonWild
8 - SUUNS2020
8 - ToolJambi
8 - ToolPneuma
8 - U2Salomé
8 - WilcoKamera
8 - YelloDesire
8 - YeskaFideo
7 - BlurI Know
7 - CaampVagabond
7 - GitheadDrop